On 22 March 2019 I had the pleasure of guest hosting a new mums’ circle in Thalwil. This is a space held by Francesca Baracchi of Born Together. Every meeting has a different topic.
My circle was of course about sexuality and relationships after baby. We talked how changes in the body after childbirth affect our intimate life. We shared the challenges and surprises of making love again after having had a baby.

The circles organized by Francesca are a safe space for moms with small babies (up to a year old) and take place regularly at Praxiszentrum Arcus in Thalwil. Check out this place if you’re trying to conceive, pregnant or are a new mum. They have an amazing team of holistically-oriented practitioners and midwives.

It’s such a privilege to be in the sacred space of the women’s circle. I have hosted a couple before, offline and online. I have also attended many women’s circles. The circle for new mums that I joined in Warsaw when my son was just a few months old was a true healing space and lifesaver.
I always wanted to give back to women by holding the circle space for them. If you would like to attend a circle for women in Zurich, let me know. I will definitely organize these in the future too.